Wednesday 31 August 2011

Ted Williams Talks About Fame, Family and Rehab

Voice-over artist, Ted Williams, talks in an interview on The Early Show about how his life has changed since that fateful day back in January where he was recorded pan-handling on the free-way for voice-over work.

The 8ighth Bit's...Byte: He's a guy who rose to fame in the blink of an eye, re-united with his family and landed mega deals over night. He checks into rehab under the supervision of Dr. Phil then gets critcized out the ass when he falls short of his goal when he gives in to minor substance abuse.

Lifestyle change, as with everything, is something that cannot happen over night. We as people need to realize this and show more understanding and support when people struggle with issues of change. Clearly he was thrust into the spotlight faster than any of us coud've imagine. The sudden fame coupled with the pressure to please 'America' is enough to make anyone smoke a harmless herb.

Before we go on rants and give negative opinions about a person's pesonal life, we first need to look at the big picture. We might learn something about ourselves.

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